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MEDGUIDE. Medical Language Guide Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics (Diagnostics)

كتاب تفسير العبارات الشائعة الطبي الطب النفسي والعلاج النفسي وعلم النفس الجسدي (التشخيص) MEDGUIDE.

This medical phrasebook enables psychiatrists, psychotherapists, addiction counselling centres and public counselling services to make a comprehensive diagnosis - in words and pictures and, above all, thanks to professional translations in Arabic and Farsi.

All psychiatric topics are covered, including a chapter on post-traumatic stress disorder / dissociation (pp.24-39) and on addictions (pp.117-143). The table of contents can be found at: edition-medguide.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/MedGuide_PsychischeStoerungen_Leseprobe_IHV_202305.pdf 

The communication was developed through a special technique of closed questions with simple answers. This allows for a clear and direct conversation. The enclosed graphs have been cross-culturally awarded. With over 2000 medical questions and answers, the book is oriented towards the most important diseases according to ICD-10. In addition, it contains a questionnaire on personality disorders with evaluation options and detailed chapters on addictive substances/dependencies from coffee/alcohol to cannabinoids and "hard drugs". The green MedGuide also offers question options for self-history on social integration / migration aspects in general. The MedGuides are also used to train language/cultural mediators and often to de-escalate situations when no interpreter is available.

The language guide is also available in Russian and Tigrinya (African/Eritrean) as well as Ukrainian. 

An overview of this resource can be found on the Edition MedGuide website:


ISBN: 978-3-96005-505-1

Price: 45€


Michael Schwarz and Bettina Kleinmann
Edition MedGuide

Year of publication


  • Ressource ist nur für Abonnenten bzw. in einem geschützten Bereich verfügbar


AlcoholArabicGamblingIllegal substancesOthers (e.g. "online addiction")Practical helpPrescription DrugsText, images, flyersTobacco