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How can I find help quickly?

Help in an emergency

In case of acute danger, call the emergency services on 112.
You can also go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.

Addiction & Drug Hotline

Telephone: 0 18 05 - 31 30 31
You can always call. During the day and at night.
Please note: The call costs money.
A call from a landline costs 14 cents a minute.
A call from a cell phone costs 42 cents a minute.

Information Hotline

Information hotline of the Ministry of Health Education
Telephone: 02 21 - 89 20 31
You can call there:
Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and
Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Please note: Calls cost money.
Depending on who your phone provider is.


Crisis Hotline

Telephone: 08 00 - 111 01 11 or: 08 00 - 111 02 22
You can call there day and night.
The call costs nothing.

How can I find help in my native language?

Information material from the German Centre for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V.)

Visit the page: www.suchthilfeverzeichnis.de (click here)

There you will read this question:
"Wo soll sich die Einrichtung befinden (PLZ oder Ort)?"
In the box, write the name of the place where you want to get counseling.

Below that, you will see this question:
"Welche Angebote suchen Sie?"

"Ambulante Beratung / Sucht- und Drogenberatung" or
"Niedrigschwellige Hilfen"

Then comes the question:
"In welcher Sprache suchen Sie Beratung?"

Select your native language or another language you speak well.
Now click "Suchen" at the bottom of the page:

"XX facilities were found" will appear on the top of the page.
Below that, click on
"Ergebnisliste anzeigen"

Now you will get the addresses of all counseling centers with counselors who speak your language.

Where can I find materials in easy German?

Information material from the German Centre for Addiction Issues (Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V.)


Synthetic drugs can be dangerous:A leaflet about Crystal Meth in easy German

Alcohol can be dangerous

E-cigarette can be dangerous

Gambling can be dangerous

Cannabis can be dangerous

Medicine– when do they get dangerous?

Smoking can be dangerous

Hookah can be dangerous

Smoking is also dangerous for others: A leaflet about passive-smoking in easy german:  