Instrument: Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS)
Une échelle mesurant les traits liés aux profils de consommation de substances spécifiques au renforcement
The Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (Woicek et al. 1999; Woicek et al. 2009) is an instrument developed to assess individuals' risk of substance misuse and addiction. It was developed for the early detection of addiction risk. The questionnaire aims to measure various personality traits that may be associated with an increased risk of substance misuse. The SURPS is designed to be used in both clinical and research settings to provide early indication of risk for substance misuse. The four main dimensions of the SURPS are (1) Sensation Seeking, (2) Impulsivity, (3) Hopelessness and (4) Anxiety Sensitivity.
The SURPS was evaluated in a french adaptation (Castonguay-Jolin et al. 2013).
The adapted questionnaire is not available.
Publications and links:
- The 23 Items of the SURPS by Castonguay-Jolin et al. (2013) can be found here: French Validation.
- The instrument in English was originally developed by Woicik et al. (2009).
Castonguay-Jolin et al.
Year of publication
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