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Materials in Ukrainian

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, millions of people have fled. In Germany, too, there are currently more than one million refugees from Ukraine. War events, flight experiences, losses and other traumatic experiences can be triggers for substance use or an addiction disease.

Because of what has happened, we have decided to research materials in Ukrainian as welland to make them bibliographically accessible and available via our material search. We would be very pleased if you would like to support us in this. Please feel free to contact us if you know of relevant materials yourself and would like to make them available through our platform.

Even though the Russian invasion and the accompanying refugee movement started more than a year ago, there are still relatively few Ukrainian-language resources for communication and education regarding addiction issues. We have collected brochures, flyers and also videos for education regarding drugs, alcohol and tablets, the presentation of help options and substitution treatment.

The DHS brochure deals with the risks of drugs, alcohol and tablets. Addiction is explained as a disease. Several examples of people are used to show various ways out of addiction. Furthermore it explains what happens at an addiction counseling center.

In addition, the resource "Information on alcohol and other drugs - advice and help" contains a presentation of the legal regulation of intoxicants.

The video Drug Counseling and Drug Help in Germany presents information on addiction help in Germany.

You can find the complete list of currently available resources here.