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Materials in Dari/Farsi

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Dari and Farsi are related Persian languages. While Dari is one of the official languages of Afghanistan, Farsi is the language spoken in Iran. Both scripts and languages are so similar that speakers of one language can easily understand the other. Some Farsi speakers draw a comparison between German and Austrian German. Due to this similarity, we have grouped both scripts and languages under a single category on this portal.

Numerous resources are available that provide general information about alcohol and other drugs. They explain the most common addictive substances, legal regulations, and at which quantity consumption becomes risky. Additionally, resources about non-substance addictions (such as gambling addiction or media addiction) can be found. Especially for early-age media consumption they provide tips for parents.

One of these mentioned resources is from Caritas. This resource provides answers to questions related to specific addictive substances, computer game/internet addiction, as well as gambling addiction. The article sheds light on the mechanisms, symptoms of dependence, risks and consequences associated with a variety of substances.

The resource from the Berlin Center for Addiction Prevention informs about media consumption. It offers concrete recommendations for successful media usage within families, clarifies usage times, and provides references to useful tools that parents can immediately use in their everyday family life. Furthermore, it describes the signs that might give cause for concern.

The resource from the German Centre for Addiction Issues (DHS) specifically addresses affected aswell as migrants and refugees seeking help. It answers questions about what a state of intoxication is, which intoxicating substances are prohibited by law, how refugees can access help or counseling, and what a counseling process entails.

You can find the complete list of currently available resources here.