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The Internet: Supporting children and young people

الإنترنت والوسائط الرقمية تجنب الإدمان

The brochure informs parents of 11- to 16-year-olds about the opportunities and risks of media use for children.

An overview of this resource can be found on the website of the Office for Addiction Prevention in the Canton of Zurich.

For more information, please visit:


The resource is also available in German, English, Farsi, Turkish, and French.


Die Stellen für Suchtprävention im Kanton Zürich (https://suchtpraevention-zh.ch/)

Year of publication



    AffectedArabicOthers (e.g. "online addiction")Practical helpPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyersTherapy, Advice and Diagnostics

    Free Resource