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Information about alcohol and other drugs. Counselling and assistance

معلومات الخمروالمخدرات بخصوص الا خرى

The booklet addresses migrants and refugees who are affected by addiction or seeking help, and informs them about the most common addictive substances. It also contains information on support services.

An overview of this resource can be found on the DHS website.


This ressource is also availible in German, English, Pashtu, French, Ukrainian and Farsi.


Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.V. (DHS)

Year of publication



    AlcoholArabicGamblingIllegal substancesOthers (e.g. "online addiction")Practical helpPrescription DrugsPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyersTherapy, Advice and DiagnosticsTobacco

    Free Resource