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Information for Parents alcohol and cannabis

اطلاعات مختصر والدین درباره الکل و حشیش

 The flyer gives parents helpful tips on how to deal with the consumption of their own children. It explains the legal situation and gives tips on how to spot the consumption of alcohol and cannabis. In addition, it points out the role model function of oneself and that it is important to keep in touch with the child.

An overview of this resource can be found on the website of the Lower Saxony State Office for the Protection of Young Persons.

For more information , please visit:


This resource is also available in German, English and Arabic.


Landesstelle Jugendschutz Niedersachsen

Year of publication



    AffectedAlcoholDari/FarsiIllegal substancesPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyers

    Free Resource