Parental guidelines for preventing your child from smoking. Support for parents
مقرراتی برای والدین به منظورجلوگیری ازسیگار کشیدن فرزندان
The flyer contains tips for parents to help them influence tobacco use by their children. Some of the recommendations are specific to parents who smoke themselves.
An overview of this resource can be found on the website of the Office for Addiction Prevention in the Canton of Zurich.
For more information, please visit:
The resource is also available in German, English, Arabic, and Turkish.
Die Stellen für Suchtprävention im Kanton Zürich (
Year of publication
Resources and Downloads
AffectedDari/FarsiPractical helpPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyersTherapy, Advice and DiagnosticsTobacco