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Drugs? Alcohol? Pills? Pretty soon, the fun is over

Наркотики? алкоголь? таблетки? Когда-то удовольствию приходит конец!

This booklet informs affected and those seeking help in Germany about the dangers of using drugs, alcohol and tablets. It shows that often misconceptions about the risks ultimately lead to addiction and extensive social problems. This is illustrated with vivid examples of people coming from Ukraine. It is explained in detail and simply which help offers can be used in Germany.

An overview of this resource can be found on the DHS website.

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This ressource is also availible in German and Ukrain



Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e. V.

Year of publication



    AlcoholArticleIllegal substancesPractical helpPrescription DrugsPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpRussianText, images, flyers

    Free Resource