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App PlayOff - Support for overcoming gambling problems

App PlayOff - Oyuncular kumar sorunlarını aşmada yardım alırlar

PlayOff is a free app developed by the State Office for Gambling Addiction in Bavaria (LSG) for gambling users who either want to stop gambling completely or try to continue gambling in a controlled manner and to a personally defined extent. It is based on behavioral therapy methods and offers numerous features such as a diary function, a weekly plan and an evaluation of one's own gambling behavior, which can help to overcome gambling problems.

PlayOff can be used in German or Turkish.

Description Turkish https://www.verspiel-nicht-dein-leben.de/language/tuerkce/app-playoff 
Description German: https://www.verspiel-nicht-dein-leben.de/playoff 



Landesstelle Glücksspielsucht in Bayern

Year of publication




    Free Resource