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Alcohol - The Facts - What you ought to know about alcohol

Alcool - Les faits - Ce que vous devez savoir sur l'alcool

The brochure "Alcohol - The Facts" for the campaign "Alcohol? Know your limit." provides young people with the most important information and facts about alcohol. The brochure contains information about what exactly alcohol is, what effects alcohol has, what laws and regulations exist, and from what quantity alcohol becomes a risk.

An overview of this Ressource can be found on the website of the Federal Center for Health Education.

For more information , please visit:


This resource is available in German, English, Farsi and Arabic.


Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)

Year of publication



    AffectedAlcoholFrenchPractical helpPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyersTherapy, Advice and Diagnostics

    Free Resource