Addiction counseling from Berner Gesundheit
استشارات الإدمان من قبل بيرنر جيسوندهايت
Addiction has many faces: it can develop through the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances such as cannabis or cocaine. A certain behavior can also lead to addiction with all its health consequences. These are referred to as behavioral or non-substance-related addictions. The video shows how addiction counseling could look like and work, using an addiction counseling center in Switzerland as an example.
An overview of this resource can be found on the Berner Gesundheit website.
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The resource is also available in German, English, French and Turkish.
Berner Gesundheit
Year of publication
Resources and Downloads
AffectedAlcoholArabicAudio-visualIllegal substancesOthers (e.g. "online addiction")Prescription DrugsPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpTherapy, Advice and Diagnostics