3. Alternative Drugs and Addiction Report 2016
The difficulties of the topic "Drugs and Refugees": Between well-meaning taboos and xenophobic Dramatization
Chapter 4.2 of the 3rd Alternative Drug and Addiction Report from 2016 deals with drug-cultural characteristics and the understanding of issues and problems in working with refugees. It addresses drug use among refugees who have experienced war and the difficulties for prevention and accepting drug work.
An overview of this resource can be found on the Alternatives Drug Report website.
For more information, please visit:
G. Barsch und A. Leicht 2016: Die Schwierigkeiten des Themas „Drogen und Flüchtlinge“: Zwischen wohlmeinender Tabuisierung und fremdenfeindlicher Dramatisierung, In: 3. Alternativer Drogenbericht, S. 205-213.
Year of publication
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