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Materials in arabic

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The Arabic language belongs to a large family of related languages spoken in different regions of the Middle East and North Africa. Arabic is the mother tongue of many refugees from various countries, such as Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Libya.

The information brochure from the Fachstelle für Suchtprävention Berlin provides concrete recommendations for successful media usage within the family. It clarifies usage times, refers to useful tools that parents can immediately employ in their everyday family life, and describes the signs that might give cause for concern.

The video "Why can alcohol become dangerous for me?" provided by the Hessische Landesstelle für Suchtfragen illustrates the consequences that alcohol consumption can entail and how displaced individuals can seek help.

The Flyer made by the Landesstelle Jegendshutz Niedersachsen provides parents with helpful tips for dealing with their childrens consumption habits. It explains the legal situation and provides guidance regarding alcohol and cannabis consumption. Additionally, it emphasizes the parental role model and the importance of maintaining an open dialogue with the child.

You can find the complete list of currently available resources here.