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You are not alone with your worries - getting help means showing strength

تاسو په خپلو اندیښنو کې یوازې نه یاست - د مرستې ترلاسه کول د ځواک ښودلو معنی لري

The flyer: "You are not alone with your worries - getting help means showing strength" by the Addiction Prevention Center Berlin gGmbH, provides information on gender-specific recommendations for action on self-care and gives concrete assistance on mental health. It´s available in several languages.

An overview to this resource can be found on the website of the Addiction Prevention Centre Berlin.

Further information can be found here: https://www.kompetent-gesund.de/projekte/gefluechtete/

The associated video: "Getting help means showing strength - for men with refugee experiences" and "It's okay to get help - a film for women with refugee experiences" can be found here:


Fachstelle für Suchtprävention Berlin gGmbH

Year of publication



    AffectedAlcoholGamblingIllegal substancesOthers (e.g. "online addiction")PashtuPractical helpPrescription DrugsPrevention, relatives, key persons, self-helpText, images, flyersTobacco

    Free Resource